Yesterday UAS celebrated one of the most beloved holidays of the nation – Thanksgiving. A day of turkey and yams is behind us.
And, as a general rule people are celebrating this holiday with their friends and family, but, not everyone is so lucky to have close people to celebrate with. Some, in fact, need help. And it is good that there are still people in the world who are willing to invest into helping others.
Yesterday, Florida entrepreneur Eric Holm, who himself used to be a beggar, held a "Helpings from the Heart" campaign to feed thousands of people on one of the most important and beloved American holidays.
Every Thanksgiving for over 27 years Eric, along with the Salvation Army, is feeding over 15,000 people for free. He said that many years ago he himself ate thanks to the Salvation Army.
Holm is now the owner and president of Metro Corral Partners, a Golden Corral restaurant group in the southeastern US.
Investing into something so beautiful and heartfelt is one of the best things that Eric could do with the hard-earned money. Maybe, this year his help is going to provide a much needed support and nudge to someone, who is going to take his place in several years. We can only hope, that the help Eric has provided to the people yesterday is going to really give someone a boost.
Well done, Eric! Thank you for your help!